FTCH Glenugie's Desire - Lexi 2008 -2021
Although we try not to have favourites, Lexi, I must confess would have to be one of mine. Brought up together with her litter sister, Faith - whom Rhodella claimed to be 'her dog' - there was a small competition between the two to see who would be the best. For a while it seemed that my wife had won this particular one, however, I was delighted when Lexi squashed that theory by winning two open qualifying stakes in 2012.
Because she was the first cocker that I trained, qualified and made up to a Field Trial Champion, she had, inevitably, earned her place - next to her mother, Mallowdale Ria - as top dog in the kennel. In January 2013 Lexi took us to Sandringham Estate, which we were delighted about as it was the first time I had run a dog myself at the championship. Continuing her success this year she won again at the Scottish Field Trial Association for the second year in a row allowing her a place in the 2014 Championship at Buccluech Estate. |